Peacock 100k info and call for volunteers

Hi all: We plan on having one extra aid station at the Peacock 100 Km this year, probably at the entrance to Gordon's loop, where I was the first year we had the race.  We are asking for a volunteer or two to take on this aid station.  You will not need 4 wheel drive since you won't be on the fire roads.  I will apply for all the permits needed, but need volunteer info asap.  Please e-mail me, cetacean6 at for more information.

I have also updated the ultrasignup webpage for the race.  These are first-draft, living documents that will get better with age. Any input such as GPS maps and elevation information will be greatly appreciated.  Again, please feel free to e-mail any of that to me, and I will incorporate that into those documents.

Here is the unfinished Peacock runners manual

Here are a couple maps will get better as we receive more GPS information.  I can e-mail these maps in a much larger format if you'd like.
Loop 1 (Follow Red, then Blue)
Loop 2 (Follow Brown, Red, Blue)

Aloha, Rob