Saturday Training 9-12-09 “Peacock Begins”
Aloha Athletes !
Congratulations to all that ran in last Saturday's Tantalus Triple Trek…or was it actually the Tantalus "Double Trek?" After looking at the list of all the finishers, which had to be a record in itself, and then seeing the finish times…was it really a "Triple" Trek??? Did everybody really do "THREE" loops?? Man ! I've been hearing talk about the 8.4 mile loops, but even then we must really have some fast folks out there. WOW ! All kidding aside, a big CONGRATULATIONS to all and a big MAHALO to race directors John & PJ Salmonson and to volunteers Cheryl Loomis and Marian Yasuda. Great job !
Peacock 54 (or is it really 56?) training starts this Saturday at 7:00 am at the parking lot behind the control tower at Dillingham Airfield. The Peacock 54 will be held on Saturday October 24. Don