Boardwalk at Pauoa Flats

Some of you have heard about the planned boardwalk. It didn't sound nice, and most of us might think it won't fit in with the trail ambiance. I sent an inquiry to Kyle at Na Ala Hele, because he asked if we could provide some volunteers to help with the construction. I mentioned it probably wouldn't be a popular idea with us, but that we would help if he needed us…he's been very generous to HURT! Here was his response:

Our new branch manager ( Marigold S. Zol) wants to construct a boardwalk over the rooted section of Pauoa Flats Trail. We believe it is vital to have a boardwalk over this section for a number of reasons. We regularly use that trail to educate government officials, dignitaries and the public on the importance of DOFAWs work. This trail showcases native forest, pioneer forestry, invasive plants, watersheds and other conservation issues that we work on. Essentially, this boardwalk will help get more people to the lookout and benefit our programs.

The boardwalk will be constructed on the side of the trail, leaving an open section of trail for those who do not wish to use the boardwalk. We would love to have you guys come out and assist with constructing the boardwalk. I've cc'd our new volunteer coordinator to this email, Garrett will be the POC for this project.

Please let me know if you have any other comments, questions or concerns.

Kyle Parsons, Na Ala Hele

I spoke to Kyle on April 12, and he said that they take people (including potential donors to the Trail projects) at least twice a month. There are a lot of these folks that would not be able to visit this whole section of trail easily without the boardwalk.

Kyle says it will be made out of natural products and will be finished with a protective covering that will best blend in. For now, an experimental section will be constructed. If it doesn't do the job intended, it can easily be removed.

Let's trust their reasons for going ahead with the project. We don't know everything after all. Have patience, and let's see how it works out. Kyle assured us that this will not slow down their efforts to repair other parts of the trails that are breaking down. You can forward your thoughts and concerns to Na Ala Hele,

(BTW, I lost my beloved purple raincoat that I rely on to keep warm at every race. I think I last wore it at Aiea Loop race. I've had it for 20 years. Please let me know if you found it)
