
Mango Madness 2024 Recap

The Hill from Hell?? 

Thank you all for taking on the unknown, undisclosed course that is Mango Madness!  Our course this year went around the lower Makiki Valley Loop clockwise 2.5 times before it ascended Nahuina Trail to Concrete Hill. Runners had to go up and down 3 times, all the way to the Pillbox. An aid station was situated at the bottom with lots of fruit and refreshments to power up the runners for their return trips. After some shenanigans like push-ups, a dance party, and a bit of trivia, runners could then descend Nahuina, down Pipes and back to the finish. All of that amounted to 13 miles and over 4,700ft of vert. When all was said and done, five total rubber bands were collected.

The first racers to the Tantalus Pillbox always win the coveted “King, Queen, and Emperor of the Mountain”.  This year’s winners were Sergio Florian, Shawna Ping Kollai, and Casey Dunigan. They won “THE HILL FROM HELL” t-shirts. Those three were also our top overall finishers in their respective categories winning handmade awards and this year’s Mango Madness design on a trucker hat.

Because the race is so difficult, I also like to give handmade awards to all the top ten finishers. They are …





Uloha was at the start with Hoka trail shoes to try for the race for FREE! Thanks to Matt for offering this. 

HIdrate Electrolytes was at the finish to offer three different flavors to thirsty runners. Thanks to Marie for taking the time to hydrate the runners.

We can’t say enough about the team of volunteers that made this race such a success. This race would not be possible!

Course marshals: Kelly, Erin, Katja, Keith, Liza, Judy, Alyssa, Alex, Ericka, Thomas, Joel

Sweep: Mike and Judy

Tantalus Road Aid Station: Marian, Kana, Jacki, Neal

Start/Finish crew: Jeff Huff, Sara, Jeff Cashon, PJ, Matt, Lara, Iwona

Race permitting:  Marian 

Photos:  Gus, Kalani, and Brent


What will be the course next year? You’ll have to sign up to find out. Remember… “When the ending is unknown, and the distance is unknown, that’s when you find out who you really are.” – DG

-Melanie Decker Koehl (RD)