Kealia Quad Crusher Mahalo, Results, and Photos


Thank you all for participating in the Quad Crusher trail race.  What started out as a breezy, overcast day turned into a beautiful, sunny day which meant hot conditions as the day went on.  While we didn’t get any rain, the course was still wet & slippery in parts. Congratulations to all of you who overcame the comfort of the aid station to head back up for the second lap and finish the race.  It is great to see so many new faces taking on the challenge and succeeding!  

Congratulations to our champion Quad Crushers!  Women: Jennifer Latham, Satomi Fujimura, Lory Peroff;  Men: Alex Gauthier, Victor Garcia, Brian Wyland;  and Non-Binary: Morgan Askew

This year we were pleased to have one of our HURT partners, Uloha Outdoor Store (Honolulu) provide a much more robust aid station at the turn-around.  We heard multiple comments about how grateful they were to be able to get some more water, a small snack, and encouragement to keep going from the Uloha crew.  NOTE: At the Uloha store, get 10% off most everything if you mention you’re a HURT runner.

We can’t say enough about the team of volunteers that made this race such a success:

Trailwork: Mark, Pedro, Nate, Alex G, Miki & Andy

Course Marshals:  Jacki, Marian, Kelley, Alex, Jeff F, Alex L & Mike

Start/Finish crew:  Jeff H, Drew, Alex F, Connie, Melissa, Freddy, Mark, Mike, Irina, Jill, Sergio, Dayane, Kai & Keila

Race permitting:  Marian 

Photos:  Gus, Kalani & Jacki

We hope everyone’s quads are recovering and that you have great memories of sharing the miles with some new friends.  Hope to see everyone again next year!