Triple Trek Race Day Instructions

Aloha Runners,
The big day is just around the corner of the 28th running of HURT’s Tantalus Triple Trek! Here are the instructions for race day on Saturday, August 31, 2019.
The Start/Finish
Will be the picnic table and bathrooms by the Maunalaha trailhead (just above the Hawaii Nature Center). Participants may arrive as early as 4:45am. Start time will be around 5:30am. Be at the Start/Finish area no later than 5:15am to check-in with our awesome race crew as well as receive your race number.
Available along the access road to the Nature Center (before the gate) and along Tantalus Drive (near the Makiki pumping station). When parking along the side of the road, have all of your tires off the roadway. A volunteer will be near the entrance of the access road to assist you with parking.
Drop Bag Location
A single drop bag may be left at the Start/Finish and accessed by the runner at the completion/start of each loop. Please have it adequately labeled with your name. Also, be courteous of your fellow runners by not bringing a large drop bag or excessive gear.
Cut-Off times
Runners will have 9 hours to complete three loops. Runners must start their third/final loop by 11:30am and reach the Kalawahine aide station by 1:30pm.
Each loop will head up the Kanealole (Center/Pipe) trail across Makiki Valley trail, up & along the Moleka, Manoa Cliff and Kalawahine trails then along Tantalus Drive. The route will continue down Nahuina trail, back across Makiki Valley trail then down the Maunalaha trail (Hogsback). Runners will proceed past the start/finish and cross the HNC driveway over to the Makiki Botanical trail (the graveled trail) and follow this all the way down to the public parking area where race staff will check runners in. Runners will then proceed back up to start/finish to complete one circuit.
Runners are expected to know the course or be able to follow the trail markings (a map is provided below). There will be course marshals at the major intersections for only the first loop. The course will be adequately marked with ORANGE ribbon going from the start to the apex of the course (the top pig gate along Manoa Cliff trial). WHITE ribbon will take runners back down the start/finish. As always BLUE means “BAD”.
Upon the completion of each loop, runners are required to check into the start/finish with a volunteer, stating their run number. Once they hear the volunteer report their number to the timekeeper, they may proceed to their drop bag or get assistance from the volunteers. The finish area will close at 2:30pm.
Aid Stations
There will be two aide stations along the course: at the Maunalaha-Kanealoloe trailhead (start/finish area) and at the Kalawahine trailhead (Tantalus road crossing). Both will be adequately stocked with water, sports drink, soda, fruits (watermelon, bananas, oranges), and various salty and sweet treats (peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, chips, gummies, etc.) to keep you going for another loop (or two)!
We will be offering Skratch at both aide stations as the featured sports drink.
Runners must carry a minimum of 24 ounces of water while on trail as well as supply their own gels, electrolytes, sports nutrition for the race (other than what is offered at the aide station). No aspirin or oral medications will be available.
We encourage you to get aide only at either of the two aide stations. While we do welcome crewing, have them meet you at these locations. Crewing anywhere else along the course will not be allowed. Additionally, pacers are NOT needed or allowed for this event.
Additional Information
Sunrise will not be until after 6am so please bring a personal light source (i.e. small flashlight, headlamp) to navigate the trail until the sun has adequately lit the trail.
The course crosses two roadways. There will be course marshals at both crossings and at all trail intersections for only the first loop. Thereafter, be careful when crossing these roadways. There will be, not only vehicles but also cyclists and road runners so be cautious and courteous. This is a long race so a few seconds to be safe is well worth it.
Please listen to, thank, and respect the volunteers. We cannot have these events without them! Swearing or signs of disrespect may result in disqualification.
A few photographers will be along the course so please keep up those big smiles as you never know where they’ll be hiding!
As the course is not closed to the public, be courteous to all other trail users. Treat fellow runners and trail enthusiasts with the same kindness and respect that you would like to be treated with. If you would like to pass by, ask to do so when space is available and thank them. Likewise, if someone would like to pass by you, let them do so when space allows. Kindness goes a long way.
Please do not leave any `opala (garbage) on the trails. Littering may result in disqualification so “Pack it in and pack it out!”
Should you decide to pull yourself out of the race, please inform the race directorate as soon as possible and before you leave the premises. We would like to ensure that all are safe and accounted for at the end of the day.
As runners finish, we will be having chili (regular & vegetarian) with rice/potatoes and a few other items for runners to enjoy. Please join us and bring a dish to share.
The Triple Trek store remains open for all to purchase race swag online. Here is the link store site:

Production time is two weeks (from the time of your order) with 4-6 days for delivery. A total of roughly 3 weeks. All orders will be mailed directly to you. Please use the code “HURTTRIPLETREK10” for a 10% discount. The store will remain open until 12a, Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019. Your orders will be mailed directly to you.
Please contact us if you have any questions at
FINALLY…. For the last several years we have had the great pleasure of having a great pair of ultra-runners be a big part of our HURT Ohana. Alas, we must now bid Aloha to Donielle and Chris Wolff. Please be sure to wish them well and thank them for the countless hours of volunteering and just being the wonderful, fun people they are!! Once Ohana, always Ohana!!

Have a great remainder of the week and hope to see you dark and early Saturday!
Sandi & Jeff (Your 3T RDs)