Kealia Quad Crusher – Saturday May 4th at 7am
Aloha Quad Crushers!
Race day is Saturday May 4 with a start time of 7am. The race is SOLD OUT and there will be no race day signup so if you’re super bummed you didn’t get a slot, please come out and volunteer instead! Make sure to arrive early enough to get checked in, get comfy and do any warm up routines to prepare yourself for the few hills we have in store for you on the course.
Course Description
The race will be a two lap out & back course. It will start at the Kealia trailhead, climb 2.5 miles to the top of Kealia Trail where it intersects with Ku’aokala Access Road. Runners will turn around at this intersection and head back down Kealia Trail, retracing the route they just climbed. Returning to the start/finish line, runners will turn around and repeat the same route again.
The route will be marked with our ribbons, which will be explained race morning when you check in. Course marshals will be on course to point you in the proper direction at critical turns. As always, blue is bad. Do not follow any trails marked in blue ribbon.

Aid Stations
There will be no aid stations ON the course. All food & water will be available only from the start/finish near the parking area. You will be passing through here at the half way point during the race so you will have a chance to fill up, eat and drink at approximately mile 5. But keep in mind that the course can be rugged and hot, and we urge you to carry your own water bottle for safety and comfort. Bathrooms and water spigots are available at the start/finish. Please use the porta potties and not the airfield bathrooms.
Directions & Parking
The main starting/staging area for the race is the Dillingham Airfield. From Farrington Highway, after passing Camp Mokuleia, turn left into the third entrance to Dillingham Airfield. Proceed straight ahead 0.4 mile to the parking area. Parking has been allowed by the Dillingham Airfield’s Manager and will be in the grass field adjacent to the start/finish area. Do NOT park in the paved parking lot. As always carpooling is encouraged and appreciated.
- Oahu’s North Shore
- Dillingham Airfield
- 68 Farrington Highway
- Waialua, Hawaii 96791
- Directions:
If a runner fails to complete the first lap within the 2.5 hour cutoff time, they will be disqualified, and will not be allowed to head back out on the course.
If you have to drop out or choose not to continue on a second lap, it is mandatory for you to inform one of the race directors at the start-finish, before the race is over. We don’t want to have to send a search party after you.
Race awards will be for the top 10 finishers for each gender.
Please Kokua
- Please stay on the trail as this is a sensitive area and a number of endangered plants live along the trail.
- Please be courteous to other racers and hikers.
- This is a State Park, so alcohol is not permitted.

The RD’s aka Rosie & Steve