2018 Peacock Challenge – Thank You and Congratulations!
Thank you
Mahalo to all you runners and volunteers who came out to Dillingham Airfield and gave it their all!
It took us to 1400hrs on Friday to finally have a permit on hand, and the whole process started in February. We had many challenges with our permit process from DOT (Airfield) due to 4 management changes. And each time the change happened, I had to start from scratch until we had that permit secured. DLNR had their own challenges with hurricane warnings and tropical storm warnings. However, throughout the entire process, I had the amazing support from all the HURT Trail Series RD’s, runners and volunteers!
Much mahalo to Jeff Fong, Arvel, Glen O, Benita, Donielle and Chris Wolfe to help clearing the trail section on the single-track section 3 weeks prior to the race. I apologize for not getting to the switchback section; it did not look that bad 3 weeks ago before all the rain.
The KPTS- In and Out Diner crew: Sandi K, Myra P, Ron F, Ruby and Loren A, Lauri Y.
There is a video going around with you guys supposedly dancing with Def Leppard.
Three Way aid station with Steve and Lisa Dewald as headmaster, Andy, Larry I, Sue L, Vicki D, Jill F, Heather, Tess and probably more. Thank you all for making sure that every runner got out of there as quick as possible!

Jacob was having the run of a lifetime and stopped on Kealia trail to help a runner in a VERY critical situation (extreme dehydration and loss of direction). He stopped knowing he was giving up his chances of making the cutoff time and carried the runner back up to three way for aid. Steve Dewald brought the runner’s temperature and dehydration under manageable control.
Julie Ng, Liza, and Melissa where able to help the runner back down to the airfield.
Julie Ng and Jessie D for staying with the last runner out from the airfield.
Long Road aid station under the extraordinary direction from Marian and Neil Yasuda, Mike H, Kana, Jackie D, Jacque T, Rex, Jen McVeay and many more.
Start-Finish: John Salmonson, Jeff and Vanessa H, Wily Woo, Glen, Augusto, the never stopping Sarah Santilli, and hubby Jeff C. I think it is time to give Jeff Huff credit for creating the Peacock race book and course description. Without his help and guidance, I would not be able to continue this race! Iris O, Heather M, Amanda A, and our “security” Guard at the West Gate Sean Thompson!! He was there by himself from 6:00-10:45 and missed almost everything so that we could have access in and out the airfield.
And of course Jeff Fong, Gordon, and Benito for safety patrol and many days and hours helping to get this race off the ground.
From the many comments coming from the runners, I can say that this race proved once again to be an Ass Kicker and then some 🙂
Matt Hause (new course record holder) and Anna Albrecht took this year’s wins. Click here for the full results.
Thank you, Kalani Pascual, Mikey Brown and Brent Wong for taking course photos, and Augusto Decastro for the finisher photos.
Thank you all again my friends!