Want to earn some kukui nuts for the 2016 HURT 100? Coffee gopher and parking nazi needed!

Hey everybody,

Barbie McAllaster was kind enough to volunteer for the parking nazi on Friday afternoon, for the Mandatory Runners' meeting.

So we still need a good soul to handle parking for an hour and a half Saturday morning, at the Nature Center, 4:15 am. That will give you enough time to run up and see the start. Also, for the sake of us spending a day and a half working the three aid stations, we will be desperate for coffee to help us stay awake.

Help! Can somebody take care of us, and pick up coffee at Manoa Starbucks, 7:30pm Saturday, and then 5am Sunday? Don't forget, volunteer work wins you kukui nuts for next year's race (oh no, not that!)


351-1453 or email: Hurtpals@aol.com