Saturday September 20th – Peacock – Restocking the water stash

Aloha Athletes!

It's that time again, when the mileage starts getting up in to those crazy digits and we lose entire days and weekends to the pull of the trail. The Peacock Ultramarathons date is approaching quickly, in a mere 3.5 weeks many will be toeing the line to challenge themselves in new and unique ways.  HURT_water_xs

For the many of you that have already begun visiting and touring the course, please be aware that the previously well stocked water stash at three way has now been reduced to only a few gallons. As this is an essential resource for those doing long training days, we would like to ask those who have been utilizing the stash frequently for their kokua (help) in replenishing the drinking water supply by bringing and carrying up a gallon or two to the stash this Saturday (or Sunday) or any time you decide to visit. Consider this extra credit weight training not to mention the karmic rewards of helping out your fellow runner.

There are two training routes planned for this Saturday, both beginning at 6am from Dillingham Airfield. After transporting and storing the water near three way, both training routes will head back down 'Awww, $h!t Hill' (just for Cheryl) to go out around Are's Loop then on to the Makai-Gordon's loop. The 'short course' route will head back down to finish at the airfield upon completing the loop at the three way (total of about 16 miles). The 'long course' route will continue to do the out and back over crossover and Long Road before returning to the airfield (total of about 34 miles).

IMPORTANT:  If you are entirely new to this course, please be sure to meet up with the group before they leave to find people who are about your pace and have knowledge of the route. Crowds tend to get pretty large on Saturdays this close to race day. It's a good idea to bring maps of the area as well in case you get separated from the group. The longer route (34) will likely be moving at a quicker pace so make sure you come prepared to run if you choose this option! There will be ample experienced runners out there for those needing direction or have questions. As you all well know, it's gonna be HOT this weekend, so bring plenty of elecrolytes, food and water.

See ya'll Saturday! Good luck to everyone running the Maui marathon this weekend!
