Saturday Training: June 15, 2013 Peacock Flats

Aloha Athletes: This weekend features more than one opportunity to run great trails with great folks. 

On Saturday, Peacock Flats is on the menu.  Meet at the Dillingham Airfield at 5:45 a.m. for a 6:00 start.  Distance will be around 17 miles; go shorter or longer if you like.  Be prepared for some heat!

On Sunday, a handful of crazed fathers (and non-fathers) will be doing the Tantalus Father’s Day Fat Ass 12-Hour.  Here are the details:

  • Start/Finish at the Nature Center in Makiki (park in the lower lot or in the neighborhood before the Nature Center)
  • June 16, 2012 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. (or when we are all tired of running any more)
  • Easy 2-1/2 Mile Loop—you know it as up Hogsback, Crossover and back down Center trail.
  • Provide your own support – you should be able to safely stash it at the Nature Center

This is be open to any one—not just fathers. If you had a father, you’re
eligible! It can be a family event as anyone (even kids), can do a 2-1/2
mile loop at least once. Have your family bring a picnic lunch or we
can do a potluck/barbeque. Just keep it all low key.

Be sure to tell Dad that you love him!  Have a great weekend and Happy Running!