2012 HURT 100 Registration Announcement


We are @ 13 days out from going live with the race application for the 2012 HURT 100. For those of you who are interested in securing a spot in the weighted lottery for 1 of the 125 entry slots you need to do the following.

Read "The Book of HURT, A.D. 2012" at HURT 100. The book which includes all you need to know about the event has undergone major revisions. Mahalo to AJ Tauber and Harald Ebeling for the task that consumed the last 4 months of their spare time. For those who have run HURT before, you must still read this book. At race signup you will be asked to certify that you have read the booklet in its entirety. You will also want to peruse the new maps on the site. Many man hours were put into these to make the course easier to understand, and more accurate in our race measurements.

Register for the run. The application goes live on 7/31/11 at 12:00 a.m. (HST). The application will be pulled as the clock strikes midnight on 8/6/11. You need to register for the run here. We ask that you upload a picture of yourself on the site, or a photo that you feel best represents you.

Please note then when you register for the run, you will also have the option of purchasing your banquet tickets at checkout. We strongly urge you to purchase your banquet tickets at the this time.

Watch for the lottery, which we anticipate to occur on 8/7/11. More details on the lottery and possible lottery bash will be posted at a later date.

If you have questions / concerns please email me at jhuff@hawaii.rr.com,  but do so after reading the booklet.

On behalf of the HURT 100, thank you for your continued interest in our event.


Jeff Huff