Mikem’s 61st Birthday Run

100K over three HURT loops. 5:00PM November 12th  to 3:00PM November 13th,2010

 Ask and you shall receive is the old saying. It must have been  the Oahu trail gods being talked about because they proved quite bountiful in their provision of rain, and mud; the Kane god of mud Kanekelekelekalepo being particularly plenteous.  If this is a harbinger of this winter’s trail season I only advise that runners start looking into trail running/bodysurfing cross trainers. 

I did three loops plus this year,  which came as a real relief when I thought back on last year’s sixty hours of running.  Staying out on the trails for one night was more than enough for this old man, and I could only shake my head at the practical joke I played on myself last year…’You mean a birthday run is in Miles not Hours?’  

continued at http://runningovertheedge.blogspot.com/