Saturday Training 2-20-10 “Tantalus”

Aloha Athletes !

With Marian's wonderful "Sweetheart 50" still on everyone's minds an taste buds, and Swamp Romp vying for attention this Saturday, before we forget, the Haleakala Run to the Sun "Fun Run" is fast-approaching on March 6, 2010. In light of that, a couple of weeks of Haleakala training might not be a bad idea. If you don't plan to go to Maui, some Haleakala training should be good for you anyway. Meet at the pumping station below the Hawaii Nature Center at the corner of Makiki St. and Makiki Heights Drive at 6:59 am. The plan is to do the usual 10 mile Manoa loop followed by 2 Tantalus Rd. to top of Concrete Rd. repeats. It should be a hoot ! I hope to be there, but because of some family issues, may have to miss all the fun.  Don