Saturday Training 11-1-08 “Manoa/Jackass Repeats”

Aloha Athletes !

The 2008 Peacock 54 is now history and it's time to get back to the HURT 100 course, with only 2 months of training left. Due to parking security concerns, one of our most popular HURT 100 training routes is the Manoa to Jackass repeats. This Saturday we will meet at the end of Manoa Rd. at 5:50 am for a prompt 6:00 am start. There should be ample stash at the Jackass stash spot, but as always, bring enough water to sustain yourself. Do as many repeats as you like. The crowd may be smaller than normal, as many of our regulars are recovering from last Saturday's ordeal…uh, I mean last Saturday's race. Have fun !  Don