This Saturday’s training will be held as originally planned on the HURT 100 course starting at 6:00 am. We will reschedule the Peacock Preview, hopefully for Nov. 17 and the Peacock 50 training run hopefully for Dec. 1, but will let you know. In the mean time, join the gang at the mauka end of Manoa Rd. at 5:50 am for some good, tough HURT training:

Meeting time: 5:50 am

Meeting place: The mauka end of Manoa Rd. (just before it narrows, heading back into Paradise Park.)

Starting time: 6:00 am

Training: 2 HURT loops (40 miles, total)

Stash: Cheryl will stash water and Gatorade at Jackass and Larry and Fish will drop Gatorade at the Nature Center.

See ya there !