Celebrating the ‘Worst of HURT’

Mike Minch cordially invites you to a join him in a ‘Worst of HURT’  birthday run on the 9th and 10th of November.  The celebration will start Friday the 9th  just after dark (7:00 PM) and continue on through five plus Pairodice to Jackass repeats (just shy of  60 miles.)

Mike will provide refreshments at the typical aid drops, and what ever else can be arranged at the time.  For vehicle security reasons the run will start at the upper end of Manoa Road, below Paradise Park.   

Mike plans to donate 25 dollars to the Sisters of St. Francis Hospice, Nuuanu in the name of anyone who completes at least one out and back with him (up to $500). Any other donations will be welcomed.

Come on out and join Mike as he celebrates the unwinding of his middle ages. Getting old can be hard to do.  Just how so we may learn on the evening of the ninth. So pray for rain, wind and perhaps a little chill.

If you plan to attend let me know so sufficient supplies can be arranged. Use the prefix   mmuench01  and the  gmail.com  suffix. 


M. Minch