Saturday Training, 8-18-07, Trek Loops

With the next race in the H.U.R.T. Trail Series being the Triple Trek (on September 1), we thought we had better spend some time out on the course. This is a good time to learn the course especially since last year, some people, some how got lost. (???) So…

Trek Loops

Meeting time: 5:50 am

Starting time: 6:00 am

Meeting place: Hawaii Nature Center, lower parking lot.

Training: Repeats on the Triple Trek course (At least two)

Distance: About 10 miles per loop

Duration: 1.5 to 2.5 hrs per loop.

Bring: Water & other nutritional aid for your
own use at the start/finish. Be prepared with electrolytes as it will
probably be hot and humid.

Good training!