It’s Friday! What are we doing on Saturday?

I apologize. If you are not sure what we are doing for training on Saturday, please see the posts related to Cheryl’s Birthday run. Click here or scroll down below this post. Essentially we are running 10 mile loops on the Triple Trek route. Come out and join Cheryl for 10 or more miles! It will be fun! (For us!)

I think Cheryl has arranged to park her car up by the bathrooms so if you get there and don’t see her car, that’s why.

A lot of things going on. Several Hawaii runners are off to the Lean Horse 100 this weekend in South Dakota. Mike Muench and I’ve think, Mike and Patricia, plus Joel and Steph are all going. Bob Murphy is supposed to be there too. Good Luck Runners!!

On a more global scale is the Mont Blanc Ultra race in Europe where Scott Jurek and Karl Metzler are both competing. Check it out this weekend if you have some time. They are supposed to have a good web-cast.

Cheryl also wanted me let people know she has Clip and Succeed electrolytes if you need any. Contact her for pricing info.

Finally, I came across this quote–I love it:

"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." – Robert Frost
From a poem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Get out there and Run!
Aloha, Bob