Saturday Training 03-12-05

Aloha Athletes !     (Posted by Bob as we’re having some author posting typepad technical issues)
Sorry to get this to you so late. Computer problems.
Last Saturday’s Run to the Sun training was tough, but thanks to Rex it was made easier by his driving us down from the top on 3 Tantalus loops. Thanks Rex! Also thanks to Todd and Cheryl for providing food.
PJ’s training schedule has us down for tapering, so here’s the plan:
Saturday March 12, 2005 "Tantalus Double Loop"
Meeting time: 5:50 am
Starting time: 6:00 am
Meeting place: Hawaii Nature Center lower parking lot
Training: Up Tantalus Rd. to the top of Concrete Hill, returning on road to Makiki Valley Trail and Center Trail to cars. X2

Distance: approx. 19-20 miles
Duration: 4-5 hours