H.U.R.T. Hawaii Blog

This is the first post on the new H.U.R.T. Hawaii web log or blog. This blog has been created by Bob McAllaster with assistance from Pete Martinez as a way to improve communication and the flow of information for people interested in training and running ultra events in Hawaii.

The idea of this blog came up as we were looking for a way to make updating the H.U.R.T. Hawaii web site easier. Blogs have several advantages over web sites in that they are cheaper to set-up and maintain. They can be updated and changed easier than web sites. They also allow archiving of posts and other information.

The cool thing about blogs is that they are interactive. Interested readers can post comments for others to see. Blogs can serve many of the same functions as services such as Yahoo groups and e-mail lists. Subscriptions to blogs are possible so that e-mail notices are sent whenever there is an update.

For some, this new format will be different, however in the long run, I think it will serve us better.

Aloha, Bob