Nature Center Break-Ins Update

Since 8/30, I have been making a few phone calls about the lower parking lot break-ins. HPD advised they are aware of the problem, and plan to send additional patrols. They referred me to Chinatown Substation, who monitors this area, and they are keeping track of the reported break-ins. It is imperative that we always make a police report of any incidents.

In turn, they referred me to Weed and Seed, of HPD, who’s purpose is to work with the community to resolve/educate regarding area problems such as ours. They can not place a Sting operation there, because it is under jurisdiction of State Parks. So, back to Aaron and Na Ala Hele. Weed and Seed did suggest to the parkers:

1. Observe the signs at the lot
2. Never leave anything in sight in your car. Remove anything that is important (put your registration and No-Fault cards in a baggy in your pocket; take valuables with you.
3. Get interested groups to share responsibility for staking out a visible guard in the lot (take turns, do shifts, sit in a lawn chair with an orange vest). This State-wide problem involves a crime of opportunity, and the thieves won’t approach if there is a body in the lot. (should we put fliers on windshields to ask for interested participants?)
4. Use common sense- don’t park next to the hillside in the lot, or on the road next to the meadow, where it is easier for thieves to zip in and out without being seen. Trim the high grass around the lot, along the hillside. (Maybe we can do this??)

I’ve also made contact with the Makiki/Tantalus Neighborhood Board. The person who contacted me remembers me from the fact I always contact them in regards to our Triple Trek and HURT 100 race. Anyway, the bottom line is we may get added to their October agenda and I think they are concerned and sympathetic to this situation. Hopefully we can get on the agenda and gather the full Board’s support. The contact even had a suggestion for a video camera that records directly to a hard drive.

Patricia and I attended the Trail Advisory Board meeting last evening, in Mike G.’s absence. Various interest groups, including Trish for HURT trail maintenance work, gave brief reports.
I was asked to report on the parking lot information, and brought up the following:

1. Can we put a lunch wagon vender there on Sat/Sun like Pali Lookout had? (Pali’s was removed once they put in their surveillance cameras). While they are there, we shouldn’t see any break-ins. Perhaps a vendor could apply by lottery for a 6 month permit at a time, so if multiple venders were interested, more would get their chance.

2. Could we implement a paid parking lot, as some other parks do? We could charge a minimal amount just to cover the equipment and gate guard expenses.

I think the ideas were received well, but it was noted that our bureaucracies might make implementation cumbersome, if not impossible.

Aaron mentioned some time ago that the surveillance cameras, such as the Pali camera, coast about $25,000 annually- wow! …but, he is now looking into another camera that sounds more reasonable.

Finally, thanks for reading this long winded message.

Any more ideas from the BLOG members would be appreciated! Please click on Comments to share your ideas.