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Tantalizing Tantalus Trail Half Marathon Post-Race Report

Aloha TTH Runners,

What a wonderful time we all had this past weekend at the TTH. As race directors we couldn’t be prouder of the 112 of you for toeing the line at the event and ultimately finishing. From the morning check in, throughout the race, and at the finish line, we witnessed so much infectious energy and enthusiasm. The excitement portrayed by all of you, makes all the time spent being race directors a bucket list item. We thank each and everyone of you for allowing us the honor.

As you witnessed, the TTH is a gnarly beast of a trail, run on portions of the HURT 100 course. With 3,333 feet of elevation gain, and occasional rain downpours, you all managed the muck, mud, and flowing streams on the trail, wearing it well on your legs and faces as you finished. One casual observer was heard asking a participant if a mud wrestling event was taking place. All of you put the HURT motto of “we wouldn’t want it to be easy” to shame, with your performance.

Of the 112 starters in the sold-out event, we had many competitors from out of state and out of country. Like the HURT 100, we had a large contingent from Canada represented strongly by Warren Beattie (not the famous actor), Jonathan Gendron (TTH New course record holder), Sarah Gunderson, Calvin Kuha, Brooks Robinson (not the professional baseball player), Catherine Short, and Cassandra Van Eyck (Women’s 3rd place). The mainland U.S. was well represented with 15 runners from 10 different states, including Bradley Revenis, Elizabeth Revenis, Johanna Torgersen, Jim Carleton, Jamie Gurtov, James Grant, Tim Peterman, Ashley Simonson, Irene White, Lynn Roylance, Jeremy Seick, Amir Arad, Zachary Mosel, Mary Garvin and Andrew Tilden. The remaining 90 runners represented the state of Hawaii. If the popularity trend continues the TTH may need to consider an opening ceremony with a parade of flags, ala the Olympic games. We were humbled by the attendance of all.

Given the difficulty of the course, and the prevailing conditions we were surprised when reviewing the race splits that 27% of the entrants ran either negative splits or ran within 3 minutes of negative splits on the Nuuanu to Makiki leg (second half). Talk about consistency, determination, and grit; the following accomplished the feat: Jonathan Gendron, Michael Chin, Brendan Fitzgibbons, Tyler Juza, Bradley Revenis, Aaron Richards, Josh Sappington, Nathan Cogswell, Nicholas Short, Shannon McClish, Jordan Watson, Zachary Mosel, Jeremy Seick, Jonathan Kuhlman, Brooks Robinson, Misha Strage, Justin Brackett, James Face, Ben Wunderlich, Tim Peterman, Lory Peroff, Finn Ashworth, Stephanie Oconnor, Caden Koehl, Josh Pitts, Leah Stickels, Brooklynn Miller, Heather Tyrell, Elizabeth Revenis, Charlie Kissam, and Marnie Whitlock. The largest negative split on the women’s side belonged to Leah Stickels at 6 minutes and 9 seconds, while on the men’s side Tim Peterman took the honors with a negative split of 7 minutes and 45 seconds. 

In all there were 72 men and 40 women completing the event. We had two finishers under the age of 18: congratulations to Caden Koehl and Elysse Burgoyne. Not to be upstaged by the young ones, we had three finishers over the age of 60: Ben Cavazos, Joy Secritario and Valdemar Vasquez Jr.

Complete results can be found at TTH Results. Please click on the lap times to review your splits so you can strategize for next year. We added live updates this year to capture split times at the Nuuanu aid station. Moving forward we plan on pushing out the link in advance so your friends and families can view your progress during the race.

Congratulations to the following overall winners:

Female Top 3:
  1. Shannon McClish – 2:35:07
  2. Mary Edgmon – 2:52:05
  3. Cassandra Van Eyck – 2:54:06
2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Top 3 Female
From Left: Mary (2nd), Shannon (1st), Cassandra (3rd)
Male Top 3:
  1. Jonathan Gendron – 1:56:01 (New Course Record!)
  2. Michael Chin (also 2023 TTH 3rd place) – 2:01:43
  3. Brendan Fitzgibbons – 2:09:50
2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Top 3 Male
From Left: Jonathan (1st), Michael (2nd), Brendan (3rd)

The Top 3 Awards were Japanese chopsticks and chopstick rests, engraved by Brent Wong. Mahalo to Brent for the great craftsmanship.

2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Awards


The HURT Trail Series can only be successful with the selfless support from the many volunteers. The following gave up many hours to support your finish. We applaud their efforts and are very thankful for their time and continued commitment to everything HURT.

Course Marking: Kalani P., Matt G.
Parking: Mike H.
Start/Finish: PJ S., Adeeba G., Drew L., Hiromi Y., Jacki D., Jeff C., Matt G., Myra P., Satomi F., Sara S. & Porter
Aid station: Freddy H. (Captain), Dana H. & Beau, Derick K., Derrik S., Johnny L., Kelley H., Les O., Wah B.
Timers: Dana H., Jeff C., Kelley H., Sara S. 
Course Marshals/Patrol/Sweepers: Dennis & Maizie Grace, Glen O., Hiromi Y., Jeff F., Mark M., Melissa P., Mike H.
Photographers: Augusto D., Kalani P., Myra P.
Social media: Myra P.
Awards: Brent W.
Webmaster: Augusto D.
Permitting: Marian Y.

2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Course Markers
Trail Course Markers
2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Course Marshals and Sweepers
Course Marshals and Sweepers
2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Nuʻuanu Aid Station Volunteers
Nuʻuanu Aid Station Volunteers
2024 HURT Tantalizing Tantalus Start Finish Volunteers
Start/Finish Volunteers

Race Photos:


The points from the TTH have been tabulated and added for each respective runner, the updated Trailblazer standings can be found at Trailblazer. The competition is heating up as we head into the final 3 events. Registration for both Maunawili Out and Back (Solo and Relay) and Tantalus Triple Trek are open, with tickets going fast. Like the TTH, these two events will sell out fast. Visit us at HURTHAWAII to register.


For those of you who want to take home more than the mud that plastered your shorts and shirts, you might like to visit the HURT Merchandise Store for some fresh apparel.

In closing we thank you all for your participation in the TTH, you all made us proud with your efforts.

Much Aloha,

Kana and Jeff