Saturday Training: January 5, 2013 Holiday Trail Series #3 or HURT Loop

Happy New Year Athletes!

Let's all make 2013 the best ever!!

This week I saw that the Soul Runners group is meeting at 7:00 a.m. to run a HURT Loop starting from the Nature Center. This seems like a good option for those of you wanting more HURT loop time.

Looking for something different? 

Holiday Trail Series #3

We are ready for the final race in the series. This Saturday, January 5, 7:30 A.M. at the top of Pupukea Road.

This is, as far as we know, the first time that we will have a race on this loop. The Pupukea Loop is about 6 miles, and will be on a great trail. There will be a section on asphalt towards the end.

As usual, email us at to sign up. We will begin at 7:30AM. There will be refreshments after the race. Donation of $10 recommended.

Directions: Drive to Sharks Cove, and turn up on Pupukea Road (by Foodland), drive all the way to the top and we will be starting on the other side of the gate at the top.

Visiting HURT runners are starting to arrive. Show them some Aloha if you see any of them out on the trails. On January 12, we will be running our traditional pre-HURT reverse trek loop starting at 7:00 a.m. from the Nature Center. 

Aloha, Bob