Saturday Training 2-26-11
Aloha Athletes !
This Saturday is Swamp Romp. Although I've "never been there…never done that", I've certainly heard many, many tales, and seen lots and lots of photos. I guess the name: "the Worlds biggest wet t-shirt event" is too long. Anyway, it seems there's something for everybody, regardless of whether you are a muddy participant…there taking photos…or just watching. Man or woman, young or old, all have a blast ! So…what about the rest of us? What do we do? Peacock? Tantalus? Probably all of the above. I do know for a fact that a small group plans to meet at the Makapuu Lighthouse parking lot at 8:15 am to do a quick loop and then help clean and groom the trail, starting at 9 am. So…you have options. The important thing is to get outdoors and do something. Don