A review of Mango Madness

Here is a blurb on the upcoming Mango Madness Run which is a part of the Trail Series for 2008.  Pete and I are really excited and hoping for some new PR’s and a fast and competitive race.  So get ready for Madness! SEE YOU THERE.

                         Mango Madness


Start Time:        7:00 AM

Date:                June 14th, 2008

Cost:                Ten dollars at race start.

Where:             Triangle Park Makiki Heights Drive


Approximately 10 miles

Two Aid Stations

All racers should carry a water bottle, and perhaps a mango or papaya, or if you are  particularly fast a  watermelon. 


This is a Trail Race over Single Track trails and a mile or so of gentle grade and generally traffic free road.


This race has some difficulty in terms of altitude rise and fall,  trail surface technicals, and the general temperament of the Race directors.


Beginners and those average runners are most welcome and are encouraged to come out. We are hoping to give awards to most all who finish. The Trails are in beautiful condition, the views of Honolulu are spectacular, the wonder of the mountain forests above Honolulu is always incredible. Two aid stations insure you will have an enjoyable run.  This is a race that everyone enjoys year after year.


But Pete and I will be focusing our special attention primarily on the competitive race for the serious, confident, intense type, fast runner. We want to look after the guys and gals who always win or who generally place high in everything they do, and get very upset if they don’t meet their own high expectations. Their extraordinary abilities have earned them a special place in our hearts.  Pete and I are hoping to make this a particularly memerable run for this group of clow… clo… cla  .classic achievers.             

A Review of the General progress of the course.

( or parts of the trail, or what Pete says he remembers of the course…in any case the Walrus will be explaining it all before the race…..


The Mango Madness run is approximately a 10 Miler, primarily trails, along the Honolulu Trail System trails above the Makiki Nature Center, chunks of trails most of us have seen, but in kind of a mad mix.  The race starts at the Triangle Park  (where the water tank is) at the upper reaches of Makiki Street, and just above where Roundtop and Makiki Heights Drives form.
In deference to the rabbits the route begins with a delightful romp up Makiki Heights Drive to the Nature Center access road, and up the access road to the trail head.  It then goes across the stream, wandering along the stream bank past the Nature Center, and takes a left at the Korean Sign, then across the Moleka foot bridge, around the ‘Signs’ bend, across the other foot bridge, to Center Trail. 

The course then makes a pleasant sojourn along Center Trail to the ‘Three Way’ at the ‘Top’ of Center Trail, turns left, and gently makes it way along the slopes of Makiki Valley Trail (Mango’s) to the Nahuina Trail.  Right at Nahuina where it wanders back along the valley to Tantalus Road.   At Tantalus road the route ambles right along the road for about 100 yards, and then finds  ‘Concrete’ Road at the Kalawhahine Trailhead. 
An easy jog along Concretes to the summit, then down the small dip, and to the mauka Microwave Station.  At the left of the fence around the Station and to the Pu’uohia Trail which winds down the back side of Pu’uohia. Then Makai along Manoa Cliffs and it’s all a pleasant down hill jaunt from the hill top to the finish along the old familiar scenes of a ‘reverse trek’ loop;  crossing Tantalus Road and down the Moleka Trial.  Moleka through the bamboo, along the cliff side, through the high trees, and down onto the Diamondhead side of Makiki Valley Trail.  Takes a right onto Makiki Valley Trail, down toward the bench at the top of Hog Back’s, right along the ‘Cross-over’ portion of Makiki Valley Trail, and back to the ‘Three Way’.  Left at the Three way and returns down Center Trail back toward the Nature Center, right at the Korean Sign, and back down across the stream.  Finally we give the Roadies a chance to compete with a quarter mile downhill jog to the finish.


Everyone gets a finishers award, even the winners!  (If they arrive from the mainland on time) Lots of food, drinks, and great runner’s conversations about the best kind of lubricants to use for chaffing and how to stop yer shorts from bunchin.


This is always a fun run and great time.  It is a wonderful way to see the trails if you don’t normally run them.  Everyone is welcome.  We look forward to seeing new faces and we will try our best to make you feel right at home.