Top of Tantalus–First H.U.R.T. Trail Series Race is Saturday

Aloha Athletes!

This Saturday, April 12th is the first race in the H.U.R.T. Trail Series. Race Directors Rex Vlcek and Kat Tagaca are expecting a large turnout. Please consider riding with a friend since parking is limited. The great news though is that the road is open this year, so we can take the shorter drive to the race start.

Rex and Kat are still looking to confirm some help at the aid stations and for picking up after the race. If you can help out please contact them immediately.

OK, here’s the details:

Top of Tantalus 7.0 mile, April 12, 2008  7:00 a.m.   
Start:   Pu’u’Ulaka’a State Park         
Finish: Pu’u’Ulaka’a State Park                                                                              
For information:  Rex Vlcek  497-7415,
Or Kat Tagaca  956-0913,

Remember for all trail series races, there is no pre-registration or early sign-ups. Just show up race morning at least 30 minutes prior to race start time, pay the entry fee ($10), and be ready to run. Since this is the first race, you can pre-pay for the entire series ($60) and get a savings of $10 over the seven races.

Click here to see the results from the 2007 race.

If you have any questions contact Rex or Kat.