Invitation to Bike/Hike Haleakala

Aloha gang,

I decided today to return to Maui on July 1st to get the Haleakala Bike/Hike monkey off my back, and I’m looking for company to share in the suffering…I mean fun!

You can check out my post from last May entitled Haleakala Mis-Adventure (click here to read it) for all the gory details of last years aborted attempt. This year I (hopefully we) am going to be smarter.

Briefly, here’s the deal:
Day 1: Ride to Hana, camp at Keanae YMCA or at Seven Sacred Pools.
Day 2: Finish ride to Kaupo, strap bikes on backpack and ascend to Paliku, 8000ft.
Day 3: Hike 10 miles out of crater to summit with bikes on back, descend to Hosmer Grove at ranger station. Camp.
Day 4: Descend the mountain and gorge myself on Krispy Creme dougnuts for the remainder of the day till the 8:00PM flight.

I know airfare until Friday is $39 each way, and you got to tack on another $25 each way to transport the bike. Other than that, expenses are negligible. I got the 5:00AM flight out on July 1, returning last flight out July 4. (Sat-Tues)

Would love to have some company…this truly will be a pretty epic trip, and descending Haleakala at 50mph with doughnuts at the end is a pretty amazing way to cap it all off. Respond here, email me ( or call me 398-2830.


Matt Stevens