Kealia Quad Crusher 2024


Date: April 27, 2024
Start Time: 7:00 am
Race Directors: Matt Goda and Dana Hester


Tickets for Kealia Quad Crusher 2024 are not available.

About the Race 

Date: April 27, 2024
Start Time: 7:00 am
Race Directors: Matt Goda and Dana Hester

The Kealia Quad Crusher is a 12-ish mile run in the hills above Dillingham airfield. The course starts near the Kealia trailhead on Dillingham and goes up to the turn-around where Kealia trail intersect Ku’aokala Access Road. After retracing the route back down to the start, you get the opportunity to grab some refreshment, and repeat the process. While there is only one hill in this race, it’s memorable and your quads will love you for it! Note that there is a 2.5 hour cut-off for completing the first lap – anyone coming in after this time will be disqualified and not allowed to complete the course.

Age Requirement Entrants for Kealia Quad Crusher must be 15 years of age or older. If under 18, a signed waiver by their parent/guardian must be submitted prior to race day.  The waiver form is available for download in the waiver tab. Instruction on how to submit the signed waiver is at the bottom of the form.

Cupless We are proud that the HURT Trail Series will continue to be cupless! Bring your own reusable cup or bottle for post-race hydration.

Start Location

Dillingham Airfield
Kealia Trail
Waialua, HI 96791
Pin to the correct entrance to use (see parking directions below):

Course Description

  • The race will be a two lap out & back course. It will start at the Kealia trailhead, climb to the top of Kealia Trail where it intersects with Ku’aokala Access Road. Runners will turn around at this intersection and head back down Kealia Trail, retracing the route they just climbed. Returning to the start/finish line, runners will turn around and repeat the same route again.
  • The route will be explained race morning at the pre-race briefing and course marshals will be on course to point you in the proper direction at critical turns.  However, you should ensure you have access to the map either on your phone without coverage or print it out.

Directions & Parking

  • The main starting/staging area for the race is the Dillingham Airfield.  From Farrington Highway, after passing Camp Mokuleia, turn left into the third entrance to Dillingham Airfield (after you pass the airfield).  Proceed about 0.4 mile to the parking area on the right. Click the link to Google Maps for the correct entrance to use:
  • Parking has been allowed by the Dillingham Airfield’s Manager adjacent to the start/finish area – look for the parking volunteers who will direct you. Do NOT park in the paved parking lot on the left as you arrive.  As always carpooling is encouraged and appreciated.

Race Check-In Procedure

  • This is a Pre-Race Registration Event. No race day entries will be accepted.
  • CHECK-IN: will be required at a table set up under a tent by the start/finish between 6:20 – 6:55 am.  If you miss the 6:55 am cut-off for registration, you must wait until after the race has started to register and begin your run.  Your time will not be adjusted for the delayed start.
  • For tracking purposes, each participant will be given a bib with assigned numbers. Please display the number prominently on the front of your body for timing purposes.

Aid Stations

  • You are REQUIRED to carry at least 20 oz of water on the course for safety at the start and leaving for the second loop.
  • There will be no major aid stations on the course – the turn-around will have only minimal/emergency support.  Plenty of water and food will be available as you pass through the Start/Finish halfway through race so you will have a chance to fill up then.
  • Keep in mind that the course will be sunny, hot, and rugged – dehydration is quite possible.


  • If a runner fails to complete the first lap within the 2.5-hour cutoff time, they will be disqualified, and will not be allowed to head back out on the course.
  • If you have to drop out or choose not to continue on a second lap or at any other point, it is mandatory for you to inform one of the race directors/timers at the Start/Finish. We don’t want to have to send a search party after you to find out you are not even there.

Other Instructions

Kealia Trail Definition Off Limits Areas
  • The initial climb to the picnic table is single track and narrow in sections.  It is also a sensitive area as it is home to several endangered plants that only grow in this area of the island.   It is critical that you stay on the trail as shown in the picture above.  This may require slowing down and yielding the way to others coming in the opposite direction so you don’t need to step off the trail. Not following these directions can lead to a ban from HURT races and endanger our ability to permit future events.
  • The trail will be open to the public – please be courteous to all trail users.
  • Please use the portable toilets near the Start/Finish. DO NOT use the airfield bathrooms.
  • Contact us if you have any questions.


HURT Trail Series Waiver

  • I wish to enter and participate in a HURT, Inc. Trail Series event.  I accept the rules, conditions, and regulations of the event and will comply with them.  I am aware of and assume all risks associated with this trail run, recognizing it is extremely difficult and hazardous for even well-conditioned athletes under the most favorable of conditions.  The Trail Series Runs cover difficult mountainous terrain with precipitous drop offs in a tropical rain forest and span great extremes of humidity and temperature.  I certify that (a) I am in excellent physical condition, (b) I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person, and (c) I have sufficiently trained for participation in this event, on rugged trails.  I am also aware that I may be exposed to physical injury from a number of natural factors on the trail, such as lack of water, threat from wildlife, rainstorms, rockslides, and hazards from vehicular traffic attendant to running across roadways.  I understand and accept that the risks include the fact I may become injured or incapacitated in a location where it is difficult or impossible to get required medical aid to me in time to avoid additional physical injury, even death.  Knowing these facts, nevertheless in consideration of HURT, Inc. accepting this entry, I HEREBY FOR MYSELF, MY HEIRS, EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS, WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the HURT Inc., State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Na Ala Hele Trail Group, RRCA, any official sponsor, entity, and the officers, trustees, directors, shareholders and/or members, agents and employees of each, all medical and other personnel assisting with the Run, or any of them and any other person connected with this running event, their representatives, successors and assigns, “Run Management”, FROM ANY AND ALL RIGHTS CLAIMS OR LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE for any and all injuries to me or my property, or for damage caused by me or by any else (including Acts of God), arising out of or in connection with my participation in this event, and further indemnify and hold harmless the said Run Management from any and all liability or claims arising out of or in connection with my participation in this event.
  • I understand that if I am under the age of eighteen, a parent or guardian must approve my race participation on this waiver. I will need to deliver this signed waiver either prior to the race or at the race start in order to participate.
  • I understand that entry fees are necessary to meet the costs of preparation months in advance of the Run, and that if the Run is canceled because of Acts of God, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Run management, the entry fee will not be refunded.
  • I understand that there are no refunds for entry fees should I choose not to participate in the event. 
  • I understand that I cannot roll over my entry to the next year should I choose not to participate in the event.
  • I understand that I cannot transfer my entry to another entrant as the event is limited by permitting agencies. 
  • I give permission for free use of my name, voice, picture or my writings for any magazine or newspaper articles, broadcast, promotion or other account of the event.



The Participant and Parent/Guardian hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress execute the Waiver under the following terms:



Participant and Parent/Guardian expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Hawaii, and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Hawaii. Participant and Parent/Guardian agree that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of the Release which shall continue to be enforceable.

PARTICIPANT IS AGE 15-17?   ⬚ YES        ⬚ NO

NAME OF EVENT WAIVER APPLIES TO _______________________________________________

NAME OF PARTICIPANT (PRINT) ___________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (PRINT) _________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN/PARTICIPANT has executed this Waiver as of this date: ______________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_________________________________________________ 

RELATIONSHIP TO PARTICIPANT __________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL OR PHONE ______________________________________________

Download Waiver Form

Use the form below to submit the signed waiver (must be logged in):

Waiver of Liability for Minors Submission Form

If you have trouble logging in, please
reset your password.