Peacock Challenge Half Marathon 2024


Date: November 2, 2024
Start Time: 7:30 am
Race Director: Freddy Halmes


4 Tickets Available

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Peacock Challenge Half Marathon Information

Date: November 2, 2024
Start Time: 7:30 am
Race Director: Freddy Halmes

This plan outlines important information for runners entered into the PC Half Marathon on November 2, 2024.

Age Requirement Entrants for Tantalizing Tantalus must be 15 years of age or older. If under 18, a signed waiver by their parent/guardian must be submitted prior to race day.  The waiver form is available for download in the waiver tab. Instruction on how to submit the signed waiver is at the bottom of the form.

Description of Peacock Challenge Half Marathon

The PC, brought to you by the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team (HURT, Inc.), is a half marathon conducted on trails located in the Kuaokala Forest Reserve Area above the Dillingham Airfield (Waialua, Hawai‘i), the race is noted for its extreme terrain with steep climbs/descents and heat and humidity (occasional rain), all within a uniquely scenic course high above Northwest O’ahu, offering breathtaking views of the majestic blue coastline of the Pacific Ocean.

There are no pre qualifying requirements for runners entering the PC Half Marathon event. The course is remote and is very difficult.

  • Keeping with the tradition of the HURT100 and the HURT Trail Series, this event is designed to be a low-key event.
  • PC Half Marathon is a pre-registration event. There is no lottery nor a waitlist.  An entry will not be accepted without an electronically signed waiver. Scroll up to register.
  • There are no race refunds or rollover of the registration fee to the next year’s event. Once a runner registers for the event, their credit card will be charged, and no refunds will be permitted.
  • Bib transfers are not permitted. Movement, once registered, from one distance to the other distance is also not permitted.
  • Registration closes on 10/28/2024 (11:30 pm HST). No T-shirt will be provided for this event.       
  • The event is limited to 15 participants.

Event Overview

  • The course is approximately 13.1 miles starting and finishing at Dillingham Airfield.
  • Approximately 3,600 feet of elevation gain/loss over the course.
  • The terrain consists of mostly packed soil surface generously interspersed with rocks, puddles and mud wallows (many more if raining). Sections of the trail pass through the forest, along exposed ridges, and past vertical embankments.
  • Start time is at 7:30 am. There is no cut off for this event. 
  • PC Half Marathon is a cupless race. There will be no cups at aid stations. Runners are advised to plan on bringing their own bottle or collapsible cup.
  • Note that there will be other events on the same day with entrants running either the 55-mile or 27.5-mile event.

Course Description

  • From Start/Finish at Dillingham Airfield, go up Kealia Trail.
  • Turn right onto Kuaokala Access Road, proceeding on the road to the Satellite Tracking station.
  • Leave the Satellite Tracking aid station and onto Kuaokala Trail. Continue on the trail until the Three Way aid station. 
  • Leave the Three-Way aid station on Kuaokala Access Road heading down to Dillingham Airfield turning right onto Kealia Trail.
  • Return to Start/Finish to complete the race.

Course Map

  • Download the map to your GPS-enabled phone to locate yourself on the map even while offline. The download instructions are coming soon. Once embedded click the button below for instructions.
  • Or click on the map’s image below to download a printable copy of the course map. The map is coming soon. Per the course description above runners will follow the same course at the 27.5 milers but at the three way aid station marked D on the 27.5 mile map runners will return to the start finish line.

Course Map

  • Download the map to your GPS-enabled phone to locate yourself on the map even while offline. Click the button below for instructions.
  • Or click on the map’s image below to download a printable copy of the course map.

Aid Stations

There will be a minimum of 1 aid station over the Half Marathon course. Weather permitting there will be a 2nd aid station (marked by * below).

  1. Satellite Tracking Station Parking Lot (7 miles),
  2. *Three Way Aid Station (Junction of Kuaokala Trail and Kuaokala Access Road) (9.0 miles) 

All distances are approximate.

The purpose of the aid stations is to supplement the nutritional needs of the runners as well as to provide for emergency evacuation. For runners with unique nutritional requirements/allergies, you are asked to pack your own supplies. The location of aid stations may vary depending on the weather; however, runners will be informed on race day, if not before, of any changes.

PC Half Marathon is a cupless race. There will be no cups at aid stations. Runners are advised to plan on bringing their own bottle or collapsible cup.

Runner Requirements

  • Each runner is required to sign in on the morning of the event and pick up their bib number.
  • On race day, if you wish to drop out of the race, you need to notify the Race Director/Aid Station Captain before leaving the course. This is a mandatory requirement for each participant. If there are any runners unaccounted for, we have your contact information on file to help determine your location. If we cannot locate you, or you leave the race without notifying management, a search and rescue will be initiated at your cost.
  • Check in and out of each aid station for tracking/safety purposes.
  • Pacers are not allowed for the PC Half Marathon mile race participants.
  • Runners are required to complete the course in the direction described following the course marking. Taking shortcuts on the course will lead to disqualification.
  • Use of Trekking (hiking) poles is permitted on the course this year.
  • Runners are required to use the portable toilets at the start/finish line. No exceptions; you are not permitted to use the Dillingham Airfield facilities. Such action will limit the ability of this run to continue in the future.
  • Park only in the designated parking area. On race morning you will be directed where to park. Once again, DO NOT PARK AT DILLINGHAM AIRFIELD. Please be a good steward in this effort. Runners, make sure you inform your pacers accordingly.
  • Each registered runner will have an assigned bib number. During the race, this number must be displayed on the front of the body.
  • Follow the race rules, and obey instructions from the safety patrol, course marshals, and aid station captains.
  • Be kind and courteous to race day volunteers. 
  • Race management (inclusive of aid station captains and safety patrol volunteers) reserves the right to remove any runner from the course if it is deemed unsafe for the runner to continue.
  • Runners must stay on the main trail. The following are mandated directives from the State of Hawaii. “Runners are required to stay on the main trail and are not permitted to step or run on any portion of the slopes immediately adjacent to the trail bed. Kealia Trail is home to two unique and endangered Hawaiian plant species; Bidens amplectens (ko’oko’olau) and Schiedea kealiae (ma’oli’oli) that grow on the slope areas next to the trail. Runners must stay on the relatively flat portion of the trail that constitutes the main trail bed (i.e., no stepping or running on any portion of the adjacent slopes/soil banks along the trail) in order to prevent any kind of harm to these plants and their habitat. Damage or destruction of any of these plants along Kealia Trail by racers would constitute a “take” of an endangered species under Hawaii State Law (Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Chapter 107) and the responsible party will be penalized as provided by the law (Hawaii Revised Statutes 195D). A “take” of an endangered plant species means “to cut, collect, uproot, destroy, injure, or possess native endangered or threatened species of plants, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.” Oahu DOFAW staff will survey Kealia Trail the afternoon prior to the race to note the condition of the individual endangered plants along the trail and immediately following the conclusion of the race to determine if any of the endangered plants were harmed by race activities.”
Kealia Trail Definition Off Limits Areas

Runner Recommendations

  • Carry a minimum of 30 ounces (1L) of fluid when leaving each aid station (50 ounces recommended) Up until race day (dependent on weather), we may not have an aid station at the three-way. Race management will inform you on race day as to the extent of aid at the three-way. Be prepared to be self-supporting if there is a reduction in the number of aid stations.
  • Carry your cell phone at all times. If you are in need of immediate assistance or need to drop out of the race, please call Freddy Halmes at 808-218-1577. Please create an entry in your phone with his number prior to the start of the race.
  • Carry a copy of the course map with you at all times.

Items to Know

  • Check-in on race morning will begin at 7:00 am. Runners will receive their bib number at this time.
  • Race management will not provide any electrolyte tablets (Salt/Potassium), or medications (NSAIDS, etc.) to the runners. Plan accordingly.
  • There is no medical personnel on hand to care for you. 
  • Skratch Labs hydration drink mix will be supplied at the aid stations.  Other drinks will be available, and the food offered at the main aid stations (Long Road, Start/Finish) will be standard ultrarun items. If you need/require specific nutritional items, please pack them in your drop bags. 
  • A roving safety patrol will be utilized. If you accept aid from the safety patrol it will be considered an act of muling and you will be pulled at the next aid station. However, you can accept fluids, nutritional needs from a fellow runner (excluding pacer), an action which will not be interpreted as muling.

Medical Concerns and Runner Safety

  • Dehydration is the most common medical problem for endurance athletes
    • Carry a minimum of 30 ounces (1L) of fluid when leaving each aid station (50 ounces recommended).
  • Hypothermia may present a problem if it rains during the event. 
  • Traumatic injuries can occur since the trail is often rocky and rooted. Runners have been warned of the slippery nature of the trail and should run accordingly.


Entering Dillingham Field via the West gate (Waianae end). The Dillingham Airfield Manager has allowed parking; it will be in the field adjacent to the Start. A marshal will be there to direct parking, please park where directed. Spectators and pacers will be directed to the same area. It is important that runners, crews, spectators, and pacers park in our designated area. The run has been asked not to allow our participants to park in the Dillingham Airfield parking. Carpooling is highly recommended.

Entrance, Parking, and Toilet Locations
Dillingham Airfield Address: 69-415 Farrington Hwy, Waialua, HI 96791

Closing Comment

The DLNR of the State of Hawaii and the Dillingham Airfield Manager have granted us access to this venue. Throughout the years HURT has built a trusting environment with the State of Hawaii and other entities. Infringement of race rules by runners or pacers and any action which could jeopardize the event (including actions by runners, pacers, and support crew) will be taken seriously and may result in a ban from future HURT events.


HURT Trail Series Waiver

  • I wish to enter and participate in a HURT, Inc. Trail Series event.  I accept the rules, conditions, and regulations of the event and will comply with them.  I am aware of and assume all risks associated with this trail run, recognizing it is extremely difficult and hazardous for even well-conditioned athletes under the most favorable of conditions.  The Trail Series Runs cover difficult mountainous terrain with precipitous drop offs in a tropical rain forest and span great extremes of humidity and temperature.  I certify that (a) I am in excellent physical condition, (b) I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person, and (c) I have sufficiently trained for participation in this event, on rugged trails.  I am also aware that I may be exposed to physical injury from a number of natural factors on the trail, such as lack of water, threat from wildlife, rainstorms, rockslides, and hazards from vehicular traffic attendant to running across roadways.  I understand and accept that the risks include the fact I may become injured or incapacitated in a location where it is difficult or impossible to get required medical aid to me in time to avoid additional physical injury, even death.  Knowing these facts, nevertheless in consideration of HURT, Inc. accepting this entry, I HEREBY FOR MYSELF, MY HEIRS, EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS, WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the HURT Inc., State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Na Ala Hele Trail Group, RRCA, any official sponsor, entity, and the officers, trustees, directors, shareholders and/or members, agents and employees of each, all medical and other personnel assisting with the Run, or any of them and any other person connected with this running event, their representatives, successors and assigns, “Run Management”, FROM ANY AND ALL RIGHTS CLAIMS OR LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE for any and all injuries to me or my property, or for damage caused by me or by any else (including Acts of God), arising out of or in connection with my participation in this event, and further indemnify and hold harmless the said Run Management from any and all liability or claims arising out of or in connection with my participation in this event.
  • I understand that if I am under the age of eighteen, a parent or guardian must approve my race participation on this waiver. I will need to deliver this signed waiver either prior to the race or at the race start in order to participate.
  • I understand that entry fees are necessary to meet the costs of preparation months in advance of the Run, and that if the Run is canceled because of Acts of God, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Run management, the entry fee will not be refunded.
  • I understand that there are no refunds for entry fees should I choose not to participate in the event. 
  • I understand that I cannot roll over my entry to the next year should I choose not to participate in the event.
  • I understand that I cannot transfer my entry to another entrant as the event is limited by permitting agencies. 
  • I give permission for free use of my name, voice, picture or my writings for any magazine or newspaper articles, broadcast, promotion or other account of the event.



The Participant and Parent/Guardian hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress execute the Waiver under the following terms:



Participant and Parent/Guardian expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Hawaii, and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Hawaii. Participant and Parent/Guardian agree that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of the Release which shall continue to be enforceable.

PARTICIPANT IS AGE 15-17?   ⬚ YES        ⬚ NO

NAME OF EVENT WAIVER APPLIES TO _______________________________________________

NAME OF PARTICIPANT (PRINT) ___________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (PRINT) _________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN/PARTICIPANT has executed this Waiver as of this date: ______________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_________________________________________________ 

RELATIONSHIP TO PARTICIPANT __________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL OR PHONE ______________________________________________

Download Waiver Form

Use the form below to submit the signed waiver (must be logged in):

Waiver of Liability for Minors Submission Form

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