2025 ‘Aiea Loop Express is a Wrap
The schedule for the 2025 HURT Trail Series Events is here!
The schedule for the 2025 HURT Trail Series Events is here!
The schedule for the 2025 HURT Trail Series Events is here!
We have scheduled three trail work days on the Tantalus Trail System. December 15 & 21 and January 11. If you are applying for the HURT100 2026, this will count towards your trail work requirement. Read on for more information.
Aloha Runners, The 2024 HURT Trail Series (HTS) will conclude with the PC events on 11/2/2024. Through nine events the HTS has witnessed phenomenal support from the running community as HURT, Inc. continues to promote running as a healthy lifestyle. The numbers speak volumes to the commitment you have put into the HTS events: The…
Aloha All The 2024 Tantalus Triple Trek was a great success thanks to everyone who came out to participate as a runner and especially because of those who chose to spend their day as a volunteer making sure everyone was hydrated, well fed and out on the course smiling. Some folks are regulars to…
Great weather and good trail conditions yielded a fun, challenging, and successful race along the Maunawili Demonstration trail. Mahalo to all runners that came out to enjoy the Run with the Pigs! Read on for results and photos. Oink, oink!
What a wonderful time we all had this past weekend at the TTH. The excitement portrayed by all of you, makes all the time spent being race directors a bucket list item. We thank each and everyone of you for allowing us the honor. Read on for results and photos.
We are looking for volunteers to help clear the trails on Maunawili. Please read on and signup.
Congratulations to the 104 runners who finished the 2024 HURT Kaʻena Point Firecracker trail race! It was hotter than last year, and the wind was gustier later in the race. Great race, everyone! With more course marks and ten (!) Course Marshals, we came closer this year to having everyone run the same route over…
HURT Ohana, HURT Inc., in collaboration with the Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base is proud to announce the Bellows Rucksack & Trail Race (Hosted by Marine Corps Base Hawaii) to the HURT Ohana. Marine Corps Community Services at Kaneohe regularly schedules events for their family and friends in an effort…
To our wonderful Runners, Volunteers, and Supporters, Jacque and I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the 4th Wa’ahila Wanderer’s Trail Race. Your participation,enthusiasm, and support made this year’s event possible. First and foremost, a round of applause to all the runners who tackled the aggressive…
The Hill from Hell?? Thank you all for taking on the unknown, undisclosed course that is Mango Madness! Our course this year went around the lower Makiki Valley Loop clockwise 2.5 times before it ascended Nahuina Trail to Concrete Hill. Runners had to go up and down 3 times, all the way to the Pillbox. An…
HURT enjoys the privilege of partnerships with State and Federal agencies that hold the responsibility of protecting Oʻahu public lands. Those partnerships are based upon mutual trust and cooperation and shared concerns for the ʻaina. To keep that trust and continue to be provided the opportunity to host trail events, we (HURT) must understand and abide by rules that govern our partner agencies.
HURT does organize and facilitate official trail maintenance only when coordination with our partners has occurred. All trail work is performed under the supervision of a permitted individual with advance permissions. Some trails are off-limits for HURT to perform trail maintenance due to the sensitive flora. No HURT trail maintenance will occur outside of these parameters.
HURT and its partner agencies require that no self-directed trail maintenance occur on publicly-owned trails. Any individuals performing trail work outside of official HURT-organized events, are doing so on their own accord and will be held personally responsible by State and Federal agencies for any violations. Such activity could jeopardize our relationships with partner agencies and lead to inability to use public lands for our events.